Searching : Using a database search

Using a database search
Database searches allow you to search and analyze non-spatial data along with map views and spatial data. These features provide visibility to non-spatial business data within a map view. You can retrieve result sets directly from the database tables on which the search is based. You can also create thematic maps using the database searches. For more information on thematic maps for database searches, see Thematically mapping database search results on a map. Database searches are available in the Searches menu. The search criteria and result categories are configured by administrators.
Sample scenario
A database search, Banks list, can retrieve database results for various banks while showing their locations on the map.
To use a database search:
On the task bar, hover over the Searches menu and select the database search you want to use. The database search dialog box is displayed.
Figure 159 
Figure 160 
Thematically mapping database search results on a map
You can perform searches across multiple feature groups and have the search results thematically rendered on a map. Thematic mapping can be configured with the results of all search types. For more information on database searches, see Using a database search.
On the task bar, hover over the Searches menu and select the database search you want to use. The search dialog box is displayed.
In the search window, enter the required information based on the type of field and click Search. The results are shown in a list window and displayed on the map.
Select the More drop-down menu and click Map Results Thematically. The Map Results Thematically dialog box appears.
Figure 161 
In the Select a column to thematically render drop-down list, select a column for rendering thematic mapping.
Click Next to choose the theme.
Figure 162 
In the Choose Theme drop-down list, select a theme for mapping.
The same color is applied to all features in the feature group. If buildings were the feature type selected, all buildings would show the same color.
See Creating a simple theme for more information.
The same color is applied to all values within a range (or class). This type of theme can only use numeric values so different ranges can be defined (class breaks).
See Creating a class break theme for more information.
Select a color scheme and then click Next to configure the map settings.
Append as new renderer to the existing renderers of the target layer
Add this new theme to any existing themes that have been created for this feature group or layer.
Clear all previously defined renderers and add a new renderer to target layer
Click Apply.
Figure 163 
The map features in the results are displayed using the symbols and categories you defined in the theme. .
Figure 164