Searching : Searching by coordinates : Search by Coordinates

Search by Coordinates
In the X-Coordinate field, enter the x-coordinate.
In the Y-Coordinate field, enter the y-coordinate.
(Optional) In the Scale field, enter a map scale.
By default, the coordinates you specify are added as a point on the map and are listed along with the projection system to which the coordinates belong in the Results window. If you do not want the coordinates and the projection system to be listed in the Results window, unselect the Add to Map option.
Figure 138 
(Optional) If your site administrator has enabled projection systems, you can also select the projection system to which the x and y coordinates you specified earlier belong. In the Projection System drop-down list, select the projection system.
Figure 139 
Click Search.
The map is drawn at the scale you specified with an index label indicating the location of the x, y coordinate pair. If the Add to Map option is enabled, the coordinates and projection system are also listed in the Results window as shown in Figure 140 .
Figure 140